Friday, January 23, 2015

13 Years

Today is a big day for, January 23, 2015, marks 13 years cancer free!  I could write pages and pages about the good and the bad, the trials and the victories, the questions and few answers (so it seemed), the ups and downs.  But for today, I simply want to be grateful.  I am grateful for the blessings that came through that trial in my life, the ways God turned the hard into a blessing.  I am grateful for diagnosis and healing from a cancer few survive. I am thankful for my husband and the rock he was for me (and still is!).  I am thankful for my children, for there was a time we weren't sure we could have any.  I am thankful for the lessons learned through the experience, and the ways it made me better.  I am thankful for perspective.  I am thankful, truly thankful.

So today, let's celebrate!  Lift your chin to the heavens and smile!  Breathe deep and find something to be thankful for. 

An older picture, but a favorite of my sweet hubs and I!

Thank you Lord for these last 13 years of life!  I can't wait to see what tomorrow holds!

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