Wednesday, December 19, 2012

It's a Girl!!

Ha!  Do I have your attention?

Well, the truth is, it is a girl...times 12!  Yes, twelve baby chicks have arrived at Hen Hollow Homestead.  We also received three male chicks that were used to fill up the shipping box.  It is amazing to me that all 15 of the chicks came in this tiny box!

Shipping box for the 15 baby chicks

The baby sister calls them fluff balls!

We are working hard to keep them warm and fed.  These tiny little chicks can put away the food.  If only we could teach them to stop kicking their bed shavings into their waterers?!  Silly chicks!

Levi and "Tiny"

Natalie and one of the babies

While he is off for Christmas vacation, Nathaniel has plans to begin construction on our first chicken tractor.  It will be fun to turn the chicks out on the land in a few weeks...watching them forage for food as they grow bigger and get ready to start laying!

In other news, we took the kids to their first small town Christmas parade!  It was short and sweet, but very fun.  The kids are enjoying the small town life, and we have had lots of laughs as they discover the quirks of country living.  I mean really, where else will you see a pink tractor and llamas in a Christmas parade?!  Ha!

Levi has also taught himself how to ride his bike.  He is thrilled to have lots of space for riding now, and in a day he has learned to ride really well.  Here he is taking a spin on Natalie's bike, which is actually a bit big for him, but he loves the challenge.

Natalie is still spoiling her roosters, and has gotten them both friendly enough to be held now.  Here she is with her "boys".

We are all still loving life on the homestead, and are eager to see what blessings God has for us in 2013!

Check back for more news from Hen Hollow Homestead!

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